When you click the Sign-Up Now button, it will take you to the Moto-Tally website where you will complete your pre-registration and pay your registration fee using Paypal. EXCEPTION: Those riders in Team, Junior A, Junior B, or Junior C Class, cannot pre-register and must register in person on race day.
On race day, all riders must bring their helmet to the sign-up area. There, you will purchase an RFID tag for $5.00 (If you do not already own a MotoTally brand RFID) and a staff member will affix the RFID tag to your helmet and pair your RFID tag to your Moto-Tally electronic registration.
It is faster and easier for both you and the sign-up staff if all riders (except Team, Junior A, Junior B, and Junior C riders) pre-register for this event no later than noon February 19th.
On-site Race Registrations will take place on February 21st from 3:00-5:00 P.M. and on February 22nd from 7:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M., and on February 23rd starting at 7:00 AM